Notice Board
Students' Rights and Obligations
The most important students' rights that are defined by the Law on Higher Education are the rights to:
1. enrollment, quality education and objective assessment;
2. timely and accurate information on all study-related matters;
3. active participation in decision making;
4. diversity and protection against discrimination;
5. self-organising and expressing one's own opinion;
6. privileges guaranteed to the student by his / her status;
7. equal study conditions for all students
8. education in the languages of national minorities
9. elect and be elected to the Student Parliament and other bodies of the University and the Faculty.
The student has the right to appeal in accordance with the statute of the university and the faculty if any of the students' rights is violated.
Student responsibilities:
1. fulfillment of course and pre-exam requirements
2. respect for the general acts of the faculty
3. respect for the rights of employees and other students in the faculty
4. participating in decision making. Statute of the Faculty
Standstill of Rights and Obligations - the student has the right to standstill the student's rights and obligations on personal request exclusively, in case of serious illness, professional development leave for at least 6 months, military service, conscientious objection, child care up to one year , sustenance of pregnancy, and in other cases stipulated by the statute of the Universities and the Faculty.
Disciplinary Responsibility - The statute of the University and the Faculty defines the minor and major violations of student obligations, what disciplinary authorities will act in this regard, as well as the manner of conducting disciplinary proceedings against the student. If a student commits a major violation of obligations, exclusion from studies can be imposed as the most severe punitive measure.
Rulebook on disciplinary responsibility of students
Student status ceases in following cases:
1. dropping out from the University
2. graduation
3. failure to enrol in the academic year
4. failure to graduate by the deadline established in the double number of school years required for the completion of the study programme
5. exclusion from studies at a higher education institution as a disciplinary measure
The student may, upon personal request, extended the time limit for completion of studies, in accordance with the general act of the higher education institution.
Students as partners in the higher education process
The new Law on Higher Education gives the student the role of an equal partner in the higher education system, which is one of the greatest results of student participation in higher education reform. The new Law started meeting the need for students to become involved in management and decision-making at the Faculty and University (especially regarding the issues of importance to students and the quality of classes). The new environment is much better for higher quality studying.
Rulebook on quality assurance standards and procedures and self-evaluation
Student participation in the work of universities and colleges
Students as partners in the higher education process should be involved in the decision-making, study improvement and quality of studies. Students have the right to vote and to be elected as a member of the student body of the college and university. Every full-time student, regardless of the cycle of study, has the right to run for a member of the student parliament, as well as to elect his or her representatives to the student parliament of the Faculty and University.
Student Parliament Rules of Procedure
The Student Parliament is, according to the Law on Higher Education, a body of the Faculty and University, and is the highest form of student representation. Student parliaments will elect all student representatives in the bodies of the Faculty and Universities. The Student Parliament elects up to 20% of the members of the teaching and scientific council from the ranks of students, 20% of members of all bodies implementing the reform of the teaching process, and 1/6 of the Faculty and University council members.
In order to improve the studies and other supporting content for students, it is advisable that as many students as possible participate in various student activities as well as in the elections for the Student Parliament.
Rulebook on Holding Elections for the Student Parliament
The full text of the Higher Education Act can be downloaded here.