Department of Comparative Literature
About the Department of Comparative Literature
Although the Comparative Literature degree programme was only fully established in 2000, making the Department one of the youngest at the Faculty, the idea of founding such a department is almost as old as the Faculty itself.
Lectures and practice classes are conducted according to a curriculum built around courses from the specific scientific field of World Literature with Theory of Literature and are taught throughout the eight semesters of the Bachelor’s degree programme as courses in Comparative Studies of Classical World Literature and Comparative Studies of Modern World Literature. The new curriculum, first implemented in 2006, features one semester courses in Comparative Studies of Classical National Literature, Comparative Studies of Modern National Literature, Art History, Philosophy, and Serbian Cultural History. Introduction to Comparative Literary Studies is a natural component of this field of study. Students of Comparative Literature also study two foreign languages, one during their first and second year of studies and the other during the last two years. The curriculum is designed to introduce students to the latest trends in literary and cultural interpretations and give them a foundation of practical skills essential for work in cultural, educational, or media institutions.
The Department of Comparative Literature does not yet have a long-standing history of international cooperation, but has so far organized several lectures by visiting professors from abroad, as well as visits made by its professors and associates to international institutions. Ever since the Department was founded, it has fostered continuing cooperation with the Department of Serbian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka, mainly through the exchange of lecturers.
Since 2006, the Department of Comparative Literature has been engaged in a project financed by the Serbian Ministry of Science called Comparative Terminology in Serbia. Work on this project led to the publication of the anthology A Theoretical and Historical Overview of Comparative Terminology in Serbia towards the end of 2006. Colleagues from other departments at the Faculty of Philosophy have also been participating in the project, along with those from the Department of General Literature in Belgrade.
Every year, the Department of Comparative Literature accepts applications for 20 places in the Bachelor’s degree programme and 10 places in the Master’s degree programme.
Contact Information
E-mail: komparativna@ff.uns.ac.rs
Tel: 485-3873