Department of Philosophy
About the Department of Philosophy
The development of philosophy as an academic discipline at the Faculty of Philosophy began with the foundation of the Institute for Philosophy and Sociology in 1976. The Institute was reorganised into the Department of Philosophy and Sociology in the 1988/1989 academic year. In the 1996/1997 academic year, the Department of Philosophy and Sociology was divided into two separate departments – the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Sociology.
In 1995, the Department of Philosophy created general postgraduate philosophical studies under the name Philosophy and by 1996 the first doctorate in the field of philosophy was defended. By 2004, the Department had begun a program of Specialist Studies in Philosophy. During a process of reform, according to the requirements of the Bologna Declaration, the Department of Philosophy began offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees beginning in the 2006/2007 academic year.
The Department is involved in systematic study and research within projects approved by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development. The Department has so far completed three five-year-long scientific research projects which include Marxism and Modern Philosophy, The Problems of Modern Philosophy and Philosophical Transformations and Modern Society. In the 2005/2006 academic year, the Department also carried out the project The Place of Philosophy in Modern Society for the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development.
The Department has published annual collections of papers written by its lecturers (The Institute for Philosophy and Sociology Collection and The Department of Philosophy and Sociology Collection), and lecturers have also participated in and contributed to common projects at the Faculty of Philosophy. In cooperation with the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, the Department began a collection of papers from the Novi Sad Philosophical Debate. The collections called The Conception of God in Philosophy and Fulfilment and Creation were published as the result of the debate. Since 2004, the Department has published the biannual journal Arhe.
In 1995, the Department and the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad began collaboration with the Novi Sad Philosophical Debate which organises annual meetings of the country’s most distinguished philosophical thinkers.
At the initiative of the Department’s lecturers, the multidisciplinary convention Studies of Modern Time began in 1997 in association with the municipality of Šid. The first topic at the convention was The Modern Conception of Personality.
The Department annually accepts applications for 60 places in the Bachelor’s degree programme and 20 places in the Master’s degree programme.
Contact Information
E-mail: filozofi@ff.uns.ac.rs
Telephone: 485-3860