Department of Sociology
About the Department of Sociology
Department of Sociology in its current form was founded in 1993 after the Department of Philosophy and Sociology was last reorganised. Before the reorganisation the Department consisted of two divisions for Sociology and Philosophy. Classes in philosophy and sociology were held according to one curriculum where instruction during the first two years was the same for both sub-departments but diverged during the final two years. Since the beginning of the 1996/1997 academic year, the unified programme of study was divided into two separate degree programmes for Sociology and Philosophy, each with its own curriculum.
The primary responsibilities of the Department are teaching, scholarship and scientific research. The aim of teaching is to provide an education for future sociologists studying within the department and to educate both students of other departments at Faculty of Philosophy and those of other faculties in sociological studies related to their field of work.
In addition to the Bachelor’s degree programme, the Department also includes a Master’s degree programme leading to an MA in sociology. Moreover, the Department’s study programme includes supervised work with postgraduate students who must submit topics for their doctoral theses for review in order to obtain the Doctoral degree in Sociology. At the beginning of the 2002/2003 academic year specialist studies were also introduced which include the following seven fields: Sociology of Education, Social Communication, Organisation and Management, Social Research, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Politics, and Sociology of Sports. The Department’s academic research is mainly carried out through the Centre for Sociological Research, a special organisation which was created in April 1997. The Centre aims to include undergraduate and postgraduate students in academic research.
Every year, the Department of Sociology accepts applications for 55 places in the Bachelor’s degree programme and for 30 places in the Master’s degree programme.
E-mail: sociolog@ff.uns.ac.rs
Tel: 021/459-522, 485-3905