JASSY Summer School 2020
JASSY Summer School 2020 - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Dear partners,
In light of the consequences caused by the current COVID-19 situation, we
hereby inform you that the 3rd edition of our JASSY Summer School goes
online, adopting a cost-effective digital format, while still maintaining
the previously established timeframe: 5 July - 18 July 2020.
Our offering of online courses has been deemed as the most appropriate
solution to still meet the expectations of all the students who have
already registered to JASSY 2020.
Students from all disciplines are welcome to register for one of the five
JASSY online modules on offer: Hard Sciences; Eastern European
Perspectives, Finance and Risk Management; Strategic Human Resource
Management; Tourism.
Aside from allowing us to continue a fruitful collaboration with our
international partners, online JASSY will provide participants with an
opportunity to deepen their knowledge in their field of choice and broaden
their horizons.
Further information about the JASSY modules, application procedure, fee
and courses is available at: http://www.uaic.ro/en/jassy/
For general inquiries, please contact us at jassy@uaic.ro
Registration deadline: 15 June 2020
Thank you greatly for sharing the information about online JASSY with your
students and for your continued valued support.
Wishing you good health and fortitude to you, your students, colleagues
and families at these trying times!
On behalf of the JASSY team,
Gina Marinescu
International Relations Office
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
T: +40 232 201839 / gina.marinescu@uaic.ro