Завршени конкурси
2023 - завршени конкурси
Erazmus+ конкурси
- Јавни позив за ЕРАЗМУС+ одлазну мобилност особља (рок: среда, 25. јануар 2023. до 23.59)
Остали конкурси
- CEEPUS Network and Freemover mobility scholarships to Hungary for students and teachers, рок 31. децембар 2023.
- Inter-University Pre-Conference Research Seminar: "How to be Effective in Answering to Reviewers (December 6, 2023)
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program 2024-2025. - deadline: 23 October 2023
- GO STYRIA RESEARCH GRANT summer semester 2024 – call open now! - deadline: 1 November 2023
- WBF MOVE Grants - Info meeting (open for applications until 5th of July 2023, 17.00 p.m.)
- Студијски боравак у Италији
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Scheme for Incoming Postdocs to Malta (PF2MT) - Malta welcomes you! (Call for Applications, Applications Form)
- 2 & 3 May 2023 – Training at the University of Porto | Research Integrity in Doctoral Education: https://pride-network.eu/training-2023/
- Call for applications: Junior Fellowships "Universalism and Particularism in the European Contemporary History", application deadline is February 13, 2023.
- Western Balkans Fund - Call for Applications